Today is friday. But I don't find any excitement at all. Normally will be excited on friday because is the last day of working for a week. Seems like Monday--the weary and boring day. Don't know the reason. Don't want to find out what's the reason. In fact, I am just evading the issue between me and you.
2 people came from different background and met each others, get to know each others, talk to each others, care of each others, and of course quarrel with each others as well.. A relationship should be circulated like that, isn't it?? But why couldn't I take it? Why couldn't I accept your points? Why couldn't I humour you rather than get into an argurment and in the end cause both of us suffered? WHY ???
Sorry for being arbitrary and peremptory all the time. I may not really consider your feelings all along. SORRY.. SORRY for enforcing you to do what you actually don't like but keep in your heart without telling me. SORRY for calling you while late of the night. SORRY for annoying you with giving you so many stuff. SORRY for being who I AM while treating you.
To me, best friend is always there for me no matter ups or friend is always the one who tells the friend is always the one who you have the most friend is always the one who can read your mind before you say a single friend is always the one who your family members like as well..

Unfortunately, YOU have fulfilled the conditions. That's why YOU are my best friend. I will always give my best friend the best thing in my life. I will always think of them no matter where I be. I will always treat them the best. For example, my friend's motor broke down but she still had a long way to reach her house so I just swapped the motor with her without hesitation and just to make sure she could reach home safely. I tell you this not because of want to show off how nice am I but to let you know I will always put my friends for the first. This is how AQUARIUS act ! It's out of my control.. It's consider a character trait or defect ??? Tell me please..
Anyway, what I want to bring out via this letter is hoping you to let me be what I AM. Please let yourself get what you have deserved. I don't expect anything from you but just a caring message once a while, a call once a while, a small gift once a while, A SMILE all the while...

I will really HAPPY to see people who are surrounding me SMILE all the time. HAPPY to make others HAPPY. I am willing to carry this tough task which commanded by GOD !!
With Love,
Ling Ling
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