T4 62marks pass
T5 11marks fail
T6 79marks pass
haiz..its actually under my expectation so i don't have any hard feeling. Just think of how can i cope 4 subjects at the same time and to sit for exam in the early of DEC(taking 3 sub now and retake T5 )...haiz .. just don't think about it first.haha..
Dating with Dear after worked. We were going to Queensbay Mall because she hasnt been there for a long period. Finally we stopped for our dinner at TGI FRIDAY after we went for window-shopping. We've never been there before so it's actually a fresh place for us. Wau..Keep on listening to birthday song which sang by those waiters and waitress to customers who are celebrating their birthday there. My god. Both of us were wondering were it really so many customers having their birthday today?!... Weird!
We ordered a set ( Appetizer- fried mac & cheese , Entree-Chicken Alfredo , Dessert-Chocolate Malt Cake) and Jack Daniel's Steak as well as two special drinks- San Francisco & Cranberry Fizz.
Fried Mac & Cheese

Chicken Alfredo

Chocolate Malt Cake

Jack Daniel's steak

Jack Daniel's steak
The food and the environment was quite nice. We really enjoyed ourselves and gained some special memories there (met a indian waiter who could explain the menu to us in mandarin, the unforgettable birthday song, the colours and the taste of San Francisco & Cranberry Fizz, the design of the cake...etc)
Dear, Thanks for the night....!! :)
With Love,
Dear, Thanks for the night....!! :)
With Love,
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