Friday, 12 December 2008
09/12/08 心隐隐作痛。。
with love,
ling ling (09/12/08)
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Someone may feel shocked especially THE ONE..
But THE ONE just couldn't accept who I am...
Just kicked me away immediately...
The word-- RIDICULOUS -- really HURT me so much.. SO MUCH..
Do I need to EVADE?? Or face the FACT??!!
I don't know..!! Who can tell me?? .. What and how should I do now ??
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Monday, 1 December 2008
Last Day of ICCC !!!
I felt that these few days really are annoying days for me! Keep on arguing this and that with hubby. At first he requested to break then finally ok already. Yesterday was my turn to request to break but refused by him. So our relationship is currently still keep on going but really don't know when is the STOP point while those issues still havent settled yet!! Slept at around 4am after having quarrel. That's why exhausted today!!!
If there is a FRIEND to hold my hand.. If there is a FRIEND to accompany me.. If there is a FRIEND to assist me.. If there is a FRIEND who can let me rely.... IF.... IF... just IF.... If YOU are here for me.. That will be GREAT !!!... But ......
with love,
Ling Ling
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Learn to Cherish !!!
Sometimes we might just left something carelessly or even cautiously BUT we've never ever went back to those day which we had it again! Agree??
Is it a human weakness? I don't know. BUT I'm sure you'll be anxious for it immediately when it lost or maybe someday when you realise that you NEED it again!
But what to do? You'll never ever found it back! Even if the thing looks exactly the same but it doesn't bring the same feeling to you like what you had it last time! No longer meaningful to you. It's useless!!
Everything is the same.. Goods,Reputation,Relationship.... Once you lost it, you'll never found it back!! So PLEASE cherish those goods that you have it now, cherish your family members, cherish your friends, cherish your lover... CHERISH EVERYTHING EVEN THOUGH YOU GOT NOTHING !!!
with love,
ling ling
p/s: sis played this song in the evening. Found it meaningful so just paste it here. Sorry I Love You-- Fish Leong (对不起我爱你--梁静茹)
没别的 只想说对不起对不起 我真的爱你不管你会怎么想 你怎么说也不会改变我的决定你知道 有时候感情事很难说很难说 爱人或朋友从前到现在我真的感觉要一想你 我的心就发烧想给你听我的心跳想你知道我睡的不好喝水想着你搭车想着你合眼闭眼间出现的全是你我猜不到你的表情我等不到你的回应不想难为你又不想放弃你决定告诉你对不起 对不起 我爱你
Monday, 17 November 2008
Damn busy today !!
Gosh.. Can't get good sleep almost every night.. The sales of 50k keep on figuring in my mind.. HOW to hit?? WHO are the prospects? WHERE to find those prospects? hmmm.. TIRED..!!! But thinking of the moment being with THEM were so GREAT then I have to enforce myself to HIT the 50k in time so that I can gain the GREAT feeling AGAIN !!!!
Today I closed 2 cases - FYP RM9400 . So the percentage of STRESS decresed by 18.8% . Yeah !!! But while i was filling the proposal form in the office, Lean Heoh came to me and said seriously : " if you want to SIAO with them then you better faster complete your 90k !! "
Opps.. She reminded me not to be proud first but continue to work harder !!
With love,
Ling Ling
Monday, 20 October 2008
Going for "Fly-Cruise" Trip tomorrow..
hmmm.. alone in the office again. Boss has gone out for lunch till now still hasn't come back yet.
I think I won't be able to sleep tonight since I haven't pack my stuff into luggage yet.. I have to meet my bf's sister straight away after I finish work because she is going to bring business for me.. There might be 3 PA cases for me.. Although it's just PA but I am satisfied enough.. hehe..
Some more I have to go to Queensbay Mall to purchase make-up remover because the present one (Loreal) doesn't fulfill my "high demand" so I plan to buy a new one which is easier to clean up without any scrape on my face.
8.30pm-10.30pm at Queensbay Mall
We went to Winter Time to purchase sweater. But in the end I walked away with scarf and trench coat beside the sweater. Hmmm..Spent 500 bucks again.. My goodness...
After that we dined at Manathan Fish Market. The set for two was extremely large.. Even my ravenous hubby also couldn't finish it. haha..
Went to auntie's house to borrow luggage from her. I mean a huge luggage because all of mine are just very tiny. Taught me how to use those locks in the luggage.
I had a shower before packing. After that I tested those shirts which I am going to bring to this trip. Busy packing..
Go to the bed now. Ok la.. Good Night to all of you. I might not update my blog these few days till I come back from trip. Take Care !!
Sunday, 19 October 2008
18.10.08 On Duty For RENAULT F1
I was looking for prospects while doing survey. I think I might go for a visit to one or two of them. It's a very good opportunity for us to run this road show. A chance for us to look out more prospects.
My duty was at 2-4pm. Although quite tired it wasn't boring at all. You could see how excited was the kid while playing those games as well as the parents. A WARM and LOVING scene has been created successfully!!
After 4pm I rushed to seek for a Fortune Teller with Gee Nee. This Fortune Teller (Mr.Lee) is very famous at that area-- Sungai Dua. Chong Leng has already booked two places for us before we go. According to Chong Leng, you have to make appointment 2 or 3 weeks in advance before you go.
Mr.Lee could tell my fortune by looking at the date of my birth. He told me that I have a very good fortune. I will stay in bungalow and drive a limousine in my thirties. Is it real??!! Anyway, I do hope what he said will really come true one day !!
Ling Ling
Thursday, 16 October 2008
really TOUCHED for what you've done for me!
I had done my degisn on Sunday night then only photocopied on the next day. I also tried my best to cut cost. Luckily I didn't need to pay a single cent for this because my hubby gave me 500 pieces of A4 paper to photocopy at his sister's office. GREAT..
After that I used 2-3 nights to distribute. Yesterday was the last night when both of them(CY and MC) were helping me to distribute. I met CY first then only followed MC to go back to his area to distribute. Both of us were riding while MC was driving. Finally we reached his house so we started our JOB immediately. After distributed to some of the flats then we just simply had our dinner at mamak stall. Continued our distribution after dinner. Raining suddenly. 3 of us ran back into MC's car as soon as possible.. haha..
After a while the rain has stopped. CY and I were riding back to our own home. Torrential rain fell suddenly while on the way back. I was soaking wet !! Some more there was a couple of Malay kept on laughing at me in their car. I didn't know what exactly they were laughing of ?.. because of my shirt was wet through? because of I was riding while they were drivingr? I DON'T KNOW but I got really hard feeling on it !!
After I reached home then received CY's call. She informed that her area caused flood because of heavy rain so she got to wait at the nearby Police Station then only could ride back..I waited for her till 1am. She has been waiting there for AN hour.. I felt very SORRY to her. It's because of ME then only will caused her to go back home late..!!
SORRY for giving YOU all problems... THANK YOU for supporting me all the times regardless any decision I had made. THANKS for coming into my LIFE..
With love,
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Met Paul ------- Dad got DRUNK !!!
Not much people will literally understand us BUT we did understand each other. What a GREAT consolation !! I did mention the income plan to him (what exactly my purpose of the night), he seems to be very interested in this plan. Asked me for a few days for consideration. Will meet him again when I come back from the trip ( Fly-Cruise Trip).
Called dad when I was on my way back after the meeting with Paul. He asked me to meet him at the place where he goes usually. The purpose was to introduce ME- his daughter to his fellows to let them aware of I am an insurance agent. I knew that dad was already DRUNK at that time that's why I stayed and waiting to send him back later since he was damn DRUNK !!
Finally he decided to go back BUT with his MOTOR. He insisted to ride although he STAGGERED ! What I could do was just followed him at the back. I was praying in my heart for dad to hope that there won't be any accident happened to him. Unfortunately, he was knocked down by himself while he was turning right into our house. I stopped my car immediately and supported him. Oh, fuck! AGAIN he insisted to continue to ride till home!
He keep on saying nonsense along the way to home. I straight away put him to the bed when we reached home. He could just sleep soundly. My goodness.. It's really a NIGHTMARE!! Now I realised WHY my hubby don't encourage me to drink so often !!
You will let yourselves fall into EMBARRASSMENT when YOU get DRUNK !!
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Worried of how to hit my 20k within this month... Worried of I am going to be jobless soon but still having a low income right now.. Worried of hubby because his income is getting lower and lower.. Worried of mom and dad regarding the problem of money.. Worried of sis because of she is going to sit for SPM soon but still relax everyday..
WORRIED... become FEAR... I am afraid of losing all I have now... I can just CRY now.. To release my fear... To calm myself down.. TEARS keep on dropping down...
09.10.09 3 of US
This was the first time 3 of us hung out together !! (what I mean is in 1 car..of course the driver is our dearest MC ) ..hehe..
Talked much at that night. Fully enjoyed at that night. 3 REN forever !!! Love you guys..!!
My qin ai de & I
MC & I..
3 of US (it's our 1st photo)
3 of us with spec...
p/s: I have pity on MC because he went out with us secretly without informing your gf.. Sorry.. it's better to inform next time la..hehe..
with love,
Ling Ling
Thursday, 9 October 2008
SHE is the one I had hurt the most in the world !!!
SHE is the one I should apologize the most !!!
SHE is the one I should atone the most !!!
SHE is the one I should care the most !!!
SHE is the one I should try my best to fulfil !!!
SHE is the one who brought happiness to my life !!!
SHE is the one who treated me the best !!!
SHE is the one who accompanied me all along !!!
SHE is the one who shared my joys and sorrows !!!
SHE is the one who most understanding !!!
SHE is the one who I can't atone for my selfishness even a thousand of SORRY I have said !!!
Even though SORRY doesn't mean anything to YOU anymore.. BUT, I still hope to apologize to you in sincerity which I have never done since the day...
Dear, I'm SORRY... Hope you'll be always fine wherever you are !!!
With Love,
Ling Ling
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
03.10.08 A Touching Movie ---- " Painted Skin"
She is now having a Uni life at USM (nibong tebal). She came back for Raya hols and her birthday falls in this hols coincidentally. That's why I asked her out on 1st of oct but she refused so delayed to friday. Actually feel very sorry to her because I am not actually celebrate with her on friday.
Well, we went to Queensbay Mall for movie. Decided in last minute. That's why I got no time to book anymore. So I asked my friend who is working there to help me to purchase 2 tickets of "Painted Skin" .
We reached there ON TIME. The movie started at 7.30pm and ended at 9.15pm. It's a very touching movie. This is the first time in China that a film based on a supernatural theme with ghostly elements that has been approved by SARFT for production. "Painted Skin" assembles a tremendous cast from superstar Donnie Yen (Flash Point, Dragon Tiger Gate) to Asia stars; Zhou Xun (Perhaps Love, The Banquet), Zhao Wei (So Close) and rising China’s actor Chen Kun. Should go for it because of the tremendous cast especially Zhou Xun & Zhao Wei-- 2 beauties ..Here I attach the synopsis.
Painted Skin, one of the of the spookiest and chilling ghost stories from the famous supernatural-themed short stories collection Strange Tales of Liaozhai by Pu Songling (1640-1715), a renowned writer of the Qing Dynasty. It is a series of captivating and colorful stories where the boundary between reality and the odd or fantastic is blurred. The cast of characters include vixen spirits, ghosts, scholars, court officials, Taoist exorcists and beasts. Moral purposes are often inverted between humans and the supposedly degenerate ghosts or spirits, resulting in a satirical edge to some of the stories. “Painted Skin” is an action-thriller centered on a vampire-like woman who eats the skins and hearts of her lovers. It is a story that brings audiences into the world of wild imagination about spirits and ghosts, but also explore the realities of human nature and morality at the same time.
Thursday, 2 October 2008
30.09.2008 The Memorable Gathering
Monday, 29 September 2008
28.09.2008 Yew Lan's Wedding
Friday, 26 September 2008
A Letter to Someone I Care
Today is friday. But I don't find any excitement at all. Normally will be excited on friday because is the last day of working for a week. Seems like Monday--the weary and boring day. Don't know the reason. Don't want to find out what's the reason. In fact, I am just evading the issue between me and you.
2 people came from different background and met each others, get to know each others, talk to each others, care of each others, and of course quarrel with each others as well.. A relationship should be circulated like that, isn't it?? But why couldn't I take it? Why couldn't I accept your points? Why couldn't I humour you rather than get into an argurment and in the end cause both of us suffered? WHY ???
Sorry for being arbitrary and peremptory all the time. I may not really consider your feelings all along. SORRY.. SORRY for enforcing you to do what you actually don't like but keep in your heart without telling me. SORRY for calling you while late of the night. SORRY for annoying you with giving you so many stuff. SORRY for being who I AM while treating you.
To me, best friend is always there for me no matter ups or friend is always the one who tells the friend is always the one who you have the most friend is always the one who can read your mind before you say a single friend is always the one who your family members like as well..

Unfortunately, YOU have fulfilled the conditions. That's why YOU are my best friend. I will always give my best friend the best thing in my life. I will always think of them no matter where I be. I will always treat them the best. For example, my friend's motor broke down but she still had a long way to reach her house so I just swapped the motor with her without hesitation and just to make sure she could reach home safely. I tell you this not because of want to show off how nice am I but to let you know I will always put my friends for the first. This is how AQUARIUS act ! It's out of my control.. It's consider a character trait or defect ??? Tell me please..
Anyway, what I want to bring out via this letter is hoping you to let me be what I AM. Please let yourself get what you have deserved. I don't expect anything from you but just a caring message once a while, a call once a while, a small gift once a while, A SMILE all the while...

I will really HAPPY to see people who are surrounding me SMILE all the time. HAPPY to make others HAPPY. I am willing to carry this tough task which commanded by GOD !!
With Love,
Ling Ling
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
23.09.08 Went BACK to training centre
Coach asked my recent situation so I told him that I will be JOBLESS soon because I already fed up with those works.. I planned to give myself a new life...A NEW and RELAXED life..But coach was very aggressive and straight away requested whether I can come back for training and asked to fill up a form( the one I used to fill up when I was a state player).. Oh my goodness..I don't have the heart to tell him that " It's IMPOSSIBLE for me to train hard like last time already since I quitted for so long..!! "..Anyway, I will still go back once a while during free time.
Back to home. Kept my stuff and put mask on my face at the same time while waiting for dear to go back room. Finally, received her sms at 1am. Called her and asked whether she arrange a date with her cousin for me. Some more she told me that I need to fetch her sister as well before I go to Airport to pick her up on thursday..Haiz....No more "2 people world"...SAD..!! hehe.. just kidding.. Anyway, I have a new task on thursday..That is to make her sister talks to me since most of them said she is a SUPER QUIET person. I couldn't stand for QUIET one..especially in a car with just 2 of us...So I must achieve the task for SURE..!!!.. Jia You Jia You..!!..
Ling Ling
Sunday, 21 September 2008
20.09.08 LOST in the Badminton Competition
Hmmm...We went for breakfast together then only went to Y.M.C.A. We reached earlier so we just did some warm up and train our strokes first. Finally, the competition started. The first event was Men Single followed by Women Single then Men Double. Mixed Double was the last event. That meant we have been waiting there for one hour then only it's our turn to play.
We used the technic (that new one) which I standing in the front of the court and just take care of a small part while MC was taking care the rest of the court (almost 2/3 of the court)...
FINALLY, we LOST with the points 21-14 !!!
Actually our opponents weren't good at all. We are BETTER than them..BUT lost because of using the wrong TECHNIC..Maybe we didn't have LUCK as well..lack of wishes..haiz...(think of I am pretentious? Pompous? Self-congratulatory??) ..Anyway, I am just expressed what my feeling is in my blog...
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Went for Dating with HUBBY
Went out with hubby after work (after solved the prob between us)..We went to Gurney Plaza. Actually we were thinking of whether to choose Chillis or Manila Place but finally we made up our mind to go Manila Place for our "romantic" dinner..hehe..Some more we choosed to sit side by side instead of face to face in a small table to SHOW our "Conjugal Love"...Funny, isn't it??..haha..But I enjoyed relying on his shoulder very much under the romantic condition..Indeed, HE is the one I always rely on.. He is the one who has MELTED my HEART...I believe I've found a miracle in HIM !!....
The Man of MINE

Lovely photo which captured 1 year ago

We talked lots of things in the restaurant regarding our future. We are going to work even harder for next 2-3 years to achieve what we want..A car..A house..and of course a HAPPY MARRIAGE..Hubby, I am going to stay by your side forever..To create a HAPPY FAMILY with you..I LOVE YOU...!!!!
with love,
Ling Ling
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
15.09.08 A WONDERFUL day
After the breakfast, I went for meeting in Northam Tower. I was the one who reached the earliest so I just sitting on the floor to wait for them. After a few minutes, GSM called and asked whether I can accompany her to Gurney Plaza to buy Mooncakes for her client. Of course I followed her. Met Gee Nee downstairs so asked her to join as well.
She left us in the car when we reached Gurney Plaza. So, I was the one who got the chance to shift her CRV when we caused any block to others. The CRV is really comfortable--feeling that I get after a tried since I don't like Honda very much all along the way.. haha..
After she got into the car, she asked for our permission to deliver the mooncakes to her client who may not be free after that. We AGREED ..hehe...Gee Nee had mentioned about those new houses (Semi-D, terrace,bungalow...) which built by SP Setia along the way. In conclusion, we went to see the show house instead of going back to office for meeting after the delivery.
There are 10 show houses for us to see. We went in one by one..My Goodness..The decoration of the Semi-D were so NICE.... I just got a burning desire to buy it and live with my dearest HUBBY... Will definitely bring my HUBBY to see 1 day...
Went dinner with dad and sis at night at Mizi Bistro (New World Park) while mom was attending a wedding dinner. Really enjoyed the food there. Enjoyed the feeling of being together with family members but short of one--dearest mom..what a waste !!..hmmm.....
The Signature Mushroom Soup of the shop
see..You should know how hungry was my dad..
Photo of my sis and dad (kinda shocked)
Sis captured while I was talking on the phone..
1st snap..Serious but WARM..
2nd snap..I am just intoxicated..
3rd snap...Such a lovely picture of sisters..
with love,
Monday, 15 September 2008
13.09.08 Changed
Went to Wei Wei Facial Centre at 2.30pm. Not much conversation between me and the beautician (didn't know her name too)..It's an unusual case because I used to talk much with my beautician..maybe i was tired...
I felt good after the 2 hours' treatment..Then, I had a sudden impulse to go for a hair cut and highlighted my hairs so I straight away drove to the saloon which I used to go..Spent another 2 hours there..Finally.. I got What I want. Fully satisfied with it.
Me--Before went for hair cut
Me--with the shorter and highlighted hairs
Any comments??!!... I felt that I became younger..haha..Yuhoo..
Saturday, 13 September 2008
08.09.08 Farewell of Jasmine
Jas came to pick me up around 6.20pm then went to Gurney Plaza to buy some mooncakes for others. After that we rush to Crepe Cottage to meet another two--Neil and Jesslyn.
Talked lots of thing. Felt very sorry to Jesslyn when heard that her sister has just passed away. Felt depressed when heard that Neil had been robbed while riding a motobike last week. Felt SAD because Jasmine is going to leave for Singapore on this coming wednesday. What to do?..Life still has to go on although many incidents happened recently to the people who are surrounding me and myself as well !
Jesslyn suggested to go for alcohol drinks after finished our meals at Crepe Cottage. Went to BED--place which ping used to go. We (me,Jesslyn and Neil) shared out a bottle of wine while Jas enjoyed her "Hot Chocolate" (she doesn't like alcohol drinks) there. Again .. Talked a lot of things.. ... .... ...
Neil & Jas (serious)
Me & gorgeous Neil
~~~~~~Four of Us~~~~~~
It's Really a PERFECT night for me. Enjoyed the meals and drinks with them very much especially Jas... JAS, I am going to miss you very much. Please take good care of yourself there.
With LOve,
Ling Ling
Thursday, 11 September 2008
07.09.08 Back From Hatyai
Just came back to Penang from Hatyai . The trip was extremely cool. Gained of some unexpected & excited memory. Fully enjoyed this 3 days trip.
Actually I didn't follow the team to go on friday morning because of the responsibility of work. I worked half day then went to Hatyai by van alone at 4pm. Cool, isn't it? (as others me, it's just a small case.)
Day 1, 05.09.08
Finally reached there at 8.30pm. Then straight away met up with my dearest GSM at floor 26th. She brought me to have my dinner after that went for window-shopping (most of the shops almost closed cause it's late already).
Day 2, 06.09.08
Woke up at 6am. I was wondering what's my roommate -Gee Nee doing in the bathroom since she went in at 5.30am and still didn't come out until 6.15am. My goodness!! But luckily caused no delay at all. We could still manage to go for breakfast on 7am. Sweat..
Started our journey to Trang. It's a two and a half journey so of course we did some games and Karaoke. I was the master of the game(not consider game too ,it's actually a psychology test). After the game, we started to sing. The FIRST singer of course belong to our 龙头老大--Hai San..singing his favourite artist-李逸's songs again lo.. After that we take turn to sing those hokkien songs..Everyone showed so enthusiastic. Such a scene of bustle and excitement. The feeling of being together as a team was really tremendous. Love it much !
Finally we reached Trang. What we actually going to visit was a CAVE(Le Khaokob Cave) with rocks which caused by natural from thousand years ago.
GROUP photo
Me on the Sampan..
Gee Nee and I..
In The CAVE..
Lastly, we were going to cross a tiny grotto which could just allow a SAMPAN to cross over at once and those rocks were just close to your face even though u lie down. Just imagine how tiny was it?!
Such a horrible but excited sail for me ! ..haha..I enjoyed it very much..
After an adventorous trip to Trang, we had our dinner at Log Terrace Restaurant (formely known as Safari Park Restaurant) at Hatyai. The design of the restaurant was magnificient. You really cant imagine how tremendous was it unless you pay a visit there. Should go for a try!
Part of the Restaurant
with my dearest GSM..
Our team
Take a snap with the owner
Day 3, 07.09.08
Woke up in the early morning at 6.30am. As usual,waiting for my roommate to "Pan Leng Leng" in the bathhroom again. After that I went to The Mind's Wonderland of most of the Auntie---PASAR....maybe it's the place which can let them show out the power of BARGAIN..!!??..hehe...
Walked through the market with my dearest GSM and her sisters--Lean Heoh and Ah Imm(my dear's mom) who considered my mom as well at that point of time..haha.. Had helped them to carry their "Trophies"....Although it's quite Heavy but i was willing to carry for them happily...hehe..'s the time to end the joy. It's time to go back to PG to fight again..Looking forward for another trip of our TEAM..
Some photos to share:::::::::
Me--Chong Leng--Gee Nee
Me--Lean Heoh (MDRT)
"Mom" and I
With Love,
Ling Ling